Internet of Things (IoT) | The latest trend in the Tech world | What is IoT?

Internet of Things (IoT), the latest trend in the Tech world

This is the 21st century, everything is evolving and the technological world is not left behind. We may have heard of other trending techniques such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and BlockChain but I can place a bet you haven’t heard much about the Internet of Things (IoT).
The Internet of Things (IoT) has become one of the latest trends in the technological world, being talked about for months. Even at workplaces and outside of it, it has become an increasingly growing topic of conversation and the reason for this is not far-fetched.


It is a notion that will not only change the way we live but will also have a ground-breaking impact on the way we work. My guess is that you have lots of questions in your head about this concept already, wondering how such a thing can have an impact on how you work. Am I wrong?
Well, to be honest, the IoT is a very complex and interesting topic but I will just be sticking to the basics for now. Taking you on a cruise around what this mouth-watering concept is all about, how it can be the cream of the crop in the tech industry in the coming months and so on.
There have been lots of talk about the IoT but in truth, people generally have not yet gotten a firm grasp of what the heck this concept means.

As we all know, Broadband Internet has now become readily available, technology costs are decreasing, smartphone penetration is on the increase, Wi-Fi devices are now being created with sensors incorporated in them and to crown it all up, the cost of connection has even decreased drastically. All these events have paved way for the perfect entry of the IoT.
We have been spent the whole day ranting about IoT but what does this concept even mean. In Layman terms, the Internet of Things (IoT) involves the idea of connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet. That sounds crazy right? Trust me, it is!


This involves incorporating even the littlest of things such as washing machines, headsets, telephones, lamps, wearable devices, coffee makers and basically anything else you can think of, to the Internet. I cannot hide my excitement, this is marvelous!
IoT also applies to component parts of machines, for instance, the drill of an oil rig and the jet engine of an airplane can be connected to the Internet. Once a machine has an on/off switch, chances are that you can be incorporated with the IoT.
“Anything that can be connected, will be connected” is the new rule for the future as the whole world is becoming a much more global village.

Let’s take a moment to imagine how life will be with the IoT. What if your alarm goes off at 6am, communicating with your coffee maker to start brewing for you? What if your office equipment renews supplies once it realizes you’re running low on them? This is the life!
I’m sure you guys cannot wait to witness the unveiling of this amazing concept. You know what? We’ll keep our fingers crossed and see how everything pans out.

