Life Beyond Earth | Life On Other Planet | Does Life Exist on Other Planets

Initially we used to think that we are very special. Our Earth is the center of the vast universe and the rest of the planets, the Sun and the stars are revolving around it. But with time we came to know that we are not even like a sand grain in this universe. We know that there are billions and trillions of stars and planets in this universe which revolve around their sun. And in these, life like Earth can exist on many planets. Right from the beginning, we have started to ask the question, are we alone in this universe?

And if life exists on a planet, how will it be different from Earth. And will we be able to visit that planet? And will those aliens be smarter than us. And if intelligent life exists like humans on a planet, then why have we not been able to visit that planet till now? This is a question in which scientists are working day and night, but they have not been successful yet. Humans can only imagine aliens right now. So friends, in this exciting journey, we will travel the endless journey of this vast universe.


How life started on Earth

We will have to start this journey from our planet Earth, how life started on Earth and for what reasons, life flourished here. More than a million species of animals and trees exist on the earth. And there is also an intelligent life on this planet which is reading this post. Complex chemistry is needed for the origin of life, just as we add the right amount of spices to our food, in the same way for a life, the right kind of chemical must be in the right proportion on that planet.

Basic Ingredients For Life

In simple language, we animals are made of many types of chemical, which is in the right promotion. But this chemistry requires an ideal condition in which three basic in radians are required. In which the first ingredient is energy, a right amount of energy can give the possibility of life on any planet. The second most important ingredient for life is heavy elements such as oxygen, carbon and sulfur. If these chemical elements interact properly, then they can generate the molecules required for life. And the third most important ingredient is liquid water. Atoms in the gas state are far away from each other and move very fast, due to which they are not able to interact properly with each other. And the third most important ingredient is liquid water. Atoms in the gas state are far away from each other and move very fast, due to which they are not able to interact properly with each other. On the other hand, atoms are very close in the solid state, due to which they cannot form molecules. But in the liquid state, atoms are equally spaced due to which they can not only form molecules but at the same time they form a basic molecule from others. 

Liquid water is considered the most ideal place for life to flourish. We will get to see liquid water only where the planet is present in its star's habitable zone where there is neither too much cold nor too much heat.
About 4 billion years ago, our Earth was one of the perfect places for life to flourish. Liquid water remained in its liquid state for a very long time. Here these basic molecules produced some important cells which led to the possibility of life on Earth. Gradually, this basic chemistry took the form of evolution. Which built itself over the course of several billion years and took the form of today. Actually how life came to be on earth is still a mystery.
But to develop life on a planet, these 3 ingredients are very important that we can guess. Which is energy, organic molecules and liquid water. But the more we are searching about the origin of life, the more it surprises us.

Earth Before 4 Billion Years

After years of research, we came to know that life is possible even in extreme conditions. And we came to know that life on Earth originated 4 billion years ago. When it was like a very dangerous alien planet.
For nearly 100 million years, there has been a massacre of giant Volcanoes and Astrorides Strom on our earth. If you were present at that time, you would not recognize our planet. Because this giant was filled with volcanoes and oceans. But life began to take its place even in this dangerous environment. After this, when our earth cooled down, life began to take place under the big oceans. 

In Search Of Alien Planet

4 billion years later, Earth residents began finding life on another planet only a few decades ago.
That is, the search for life has just begun beyond the earth. And in all these years we came to know that there can be a possibility of life on the planet where water is present. In such a situation, the easiest way to find life on other planets is to find water on other planets. We have found the planets where water is present and that planet is present in the Habitable Zone of its star and there the water remains in the liquid state for maximum time. Some of these planets are 
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Only about one-fourth of all the stars in our galaxy have such rocky planets orbiting their stars in a habitable zone. A galaxy can contain about 50 billion planets like Earth. And if we talk about the universe, there are so many planets that are like our earth and it will take close to a million years of counting. Each of these planets will be special in which a different life story will be present. Life here will flourish in a different form.
There will be a different type of life on these planets which will be made up of a different element. And maybe they will also be looking for us in space as we are looking for them. But it is not necessary that there is life on a planet present in the Habitable Zone. Maybe there is a planet, even though it is in the habitable zone, there is no life on it. It may be that their temperature is not mandatory for life or it may be that their stars will have very high radiation.
Circling moons can also be quite suitable for life to flourish. Their energy comes not only from their stars but also from the large gravitation of their home. Look at sky one time and understand them, Maybe some life on the planets of the stars are watching you 😊. 


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